Eltham Copper Butterfly


Eltham Copper Butterfly
Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida 
Kingdom:   Animalia
Phylum:   Arthropoda
Class:   Insecta (Hexapoda)
Order:   Lepidoptera
Family:   Lycaenidae
Sub-family:   Theclinae
Australia:  not EPBC listed
Victoria:  Endangered 
FFG  Listed; Action Statement No. 39


The Eltham Copper Butterfly Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida is only found in Victoria. It is one of the Lycaenidae family of butterflies or (blues) which have highly specialised ecological requirements. It is a close relative of the Dull Copper Paralucia pyrodiscus (Rosenstock 1885), and was recognised as a distinct sub-species by Crosby (1951). It was considered to have been extinct since the 1950's until rediscovered at Eltham in 1986.

The Eltham Copper is distinguished by the sharply defined, distinctively shaped patch of bright copper scales on the male hind wing. 

Other related species

Lycaenidae family butterfly identification - Museum Victoria



The Eltham Copper Butterfly is only known from three general localities in Victoria. Source: Adapted from VBA 2015.

Eltham / Greensborough area -  where about 10 sites exist across different tenure and management i.e. Parks Vic, Local Council and Private land.

Kiata Salisbury areas  in western Victoria - known from about 6 sites which includes Crown Land at Kiata and the Salisbury Bushland Reserve.

Castlemaine / Bendigo - about 5 sites near Castlemaine within National Park, Botanic Gardens & State Forest and 6 sites near Bendigo within National Park and one on private land.

Discovery of the Eltham Copper Butterfly in the Bendigo area only occurred as recently as December 2007 near Big Hill on the Melbourne side of Bendigo in the Greater Bendigo National Park.  The population was found by studying the flowering of Bursaria. Ants, in the genus Notoncus were also present.

Habitat and life cycle

The Eltham Copper Butterfly is restricted to central and western Victoria where it is found in dry open woodlands. Its occurrence is dependent upon an obligatory association between a dwarfed form of the Sweet Bursaria Bursaria spinosa and colonies of Notoncus sp. of ants. 

Notoncus sp. of ants. are essential in attending to the larval phase of the Eltham Copper Butterly.

The Eltham Copper Butterfly is never found in areas where Notoncus ant colonies are absent.

Adult Eltham Copper Butterflies lay their eggs on the roots of Bursaria spinosa. Once the eggs hatch, the caterpillars are guarded by the ants, which lead them to and from the ant colony to browse on the Sweet Bursaria leaves. In return, the ants feed on sugar secretions which are exuded from the caterpillars' bodies. For detailed description refer to Crosby (1987) and Vaughan (1988a).


Eltham Copper Butterfly filmed near Eltham, Victoria. It shows the unusual relationship with a particular species of Notoncus ant and a specific plant species, that being Bursaria spinosa. Colonies of this insect won't be found if either of these are absent.


Conservation of the Eltham Copper Butterfly in Victoria

Management and monitoring is focused on 12 populations in three geographic areas.

Eltham / Greensborough area 

The population is mainly confined to 7 reserves managed by Parks Victoria and Local Government in the Eltham and Greensborough area, activities include;

Kiata / Salisbury Bushland Reserve area

Bendigo / Castlemaine Area

In 2007 / 08 a new population of  Eltham Copper Butterfly was discovered in the Bendigo area.

During 2009 / 2010 a considerable amount of survey work was carried out by a project officers and community groups resulting in 4 new sites being discovered.

In 2011 habitat mapping was carried out over 3,500 ha of reserve. Six new sites were discovered and a significant improvement in the understanding of habitat and prediction of habitat.

In 2012 additional work was undertaken to conduct counts of adult Eltham Copper Butterflies across all known sites in the Bendigo and Castlemaine areas.

In 2014 works undertaken to eradication woody weeds within the core habitat zones and enhance habitat.

Mapping in the Bendigo / Castlemaine Area has revealed sites ranged from 1.2 km to 7 km apart, sometimes disconnected by roads and areas of cleared land. There is a need to develop improved interconnectivity between populations.

There has been recent input into the fuel reduction burning in the Loddon Mallee region, altered timing of burns and exclusion zones have been established at 7 of the 11 locations to date.

Important Local Government Areas


Friends of Eltham Copper Butterfly -



Please contribute information regarding the Eltham Copper Butterfly - observations, images or projects.  Contact SWIFFT





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