Invasive toad sighted at Sunbury

The Asian black-spined toad, a prohibited pest in Victoria, has recently been sighted in Sunbury as reported by . Hayley Mackie Conservation Coordinator, Environment at Brimbank City Council.

The Department of Primary Industries (DEPI) advises they are poisonous, prolific breeders that compete with native species and have the potential to cause environmental impacts similar to those of the cane toad. Please report any sightings of the toad pictured to DEPI immediately by calling 136 186 or email See DEPI's website for further information...

Many of the cane toad reports DEPI receives are actually the native Eastern Banjo Frog, also known as the Pobblebonk (Limnodynastes dumerilii ). Check the DEPI black-spined toad page.

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