High priority threatened fish North West Victoria

The following list comprises selected threatened fish that have been identified as being high priority species in the North West of Victoria. Their high priority is based on a combination of the importance of the species and high level of concern regarding threats within a particular bioregion. These species have been identified as requiring either full commitment or substantive participation within the bioregion indicated. This list is based on information from the Bioregional Network Analysis (BNA) for each bioregion (Lowe et al 2000) and high priority threatened fish in the North West where management actions are specified in the DEPI Actions for Biodiversity Conservation database.

Murray Hardyhead - Critically endangered







Victoria’s Bioregions


Bioregion key

LM Lowan Mallee
MM Murrary Mallee
MF  Murray Fans
MSB  Murray Scroll Belt
W Wimmera


Common Name

Scientific Name

Priority Bioregion

Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus MM
Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii peelii MSB
Murray Hardyhead Craterocephalus fluviatilis MM, MF, MSB
Yarra Pigmy Perch Nannoperca obscura LM, MM, W
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